What Does A Nabothian Cyst Look Like?
An abnormality that can often be found is called a Nabothian cyst. This can occur when mucus, which the cells that line the cervix normally produce, begins to build up and block the surrounding cells. The blockage produces a bump that feels like a pimple on the cervical wall.
A doctor is easily able to identify a Nabothian cyst. They are small bumps and there may be one single bump or a group of them together. Often, a doctor will not need to do additional tests to conclude that the lesions are Nabothian cysts. They are usually whitish and have the look and feel of a pimple.
Doctors rarely need to treat Nabothian cysts because they are benign, meaning that there are no cancerous cells and the cysts are not harmful to the body. However, if the cysts begin to grow and become too large, there are treatments to be used, such as freezing the cysts or cauterizing them. If they are not removed surgically, they will not go away on their own.
There are no symptoms related to Nabothian cysts. Any cysts of this type that are found are during routine pelvic exams with a trained gynecologist.
Currently, there is nothing that can be done to prevent Nabothian cysts from appearing. They are not caused by a virus or bacteria and there seems to be no correlation between lifestyle and the appearance of these cysts. Because they are so benign, most are ignored unless they become large enough to block the cervix entrance, making it difficult to perform a pap smear test. Most people live without even knowing they are there.