Light Therapy for Interstitial Cystitis
Cystitis Therapies
Therapies for IC include various physical therapies and exercises, bladder installation with DMSO, bladder wash, Pentosan polysulfate sodium (Elmiron), analgesics, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), bladder training and surgical procedures. Surgical techniques bladder augmentation or reconstruction, bladder removal (cystectomy) burning Hunner's ulcers with electricity or lasers. Also, there is green light laser therapy.
Green Light Laser Therapy
Green light laser therapy involves using cold low-intensity laser light applied to the inflamed tissue through a cystoscope. This form of light therapy may help with pain, inflammation and wound healing.
Fulguration is a surgical process whereby a laser is inserted through the urethra and burns off Hunner's ulcers, a common cause of interstitial cystitis with electricity or a laser. The laser burns the inflamed area. When the tissue dies, the ulcer will fall off after a few days, leaving new, healthy tissue where the ulcers once were.
Resection can be done with lasers, too. The laser cuts around and removes the ulcers. This, like fulguration, is done under general anesthesia. An instrument called a cytoscope is inserted into the bladder. Special instruments can then be inserted through the cytoscope. The laser surgery is conducted through the cystoscope. Laser surgery is only effective for people with Hunner's ulcers. The physician who performs the procedure requires specialized training to do the surgery.