Back Exercises During Pregnancy
Pelvic Tilts
Pelvic tilts are a simple exercise that employ and lengthen the abdominal muscles and lower back. To perform, lie on the back with your knees bent and your feet resting firmly on the floor. Place your hands in the small of the back, and ensure that there is a space between your back and floor. Next, flatten the lower part of the spine along the floor so no space remains. In this position, the buttocks should remain relaxed, so as to isolate the abdominal muscles and lower back. This exercise can be performed while lying on the back, standing, on hands and knees, or while sitting. The stretch should be held for 3 to 10 seconds and performed 10 to 30 times. At all times, ensure that you are breathing during the exertion phase of exercise and inhaling as the body relaxes.
Back Stretches
A simple back stretch helps to strengthen the back muscles and ease discomfort. To perform, begin on your hands and knees and maintain distance between your legs. Place your hands in front of your heart, and place a small pillow beneath you to support your abdominal muscles. Next, recline so you are sitting back on your knees, and stretch your arms forward until you feel a stretch in the spine. Hold for 3 to 6 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Flying Arm Exercises
Flying arm exercises stretch the arm and upper-back muscles. To begin, raise your arms over your head, taking care to keep the elbows straight and the palms facing one another. Hold for 20 seconds. Next, lower your arms to the sides, maintaining a straight upper back. Finally, bring the backs of the hands together behind your back as far as possible and give in to the stretch. Hold for 10 seconds and return to starting position. Repeat 10 times for optimal stretching.