Benefits of Fish Oil During Pregnancy
Brain Development
The human brain is largely composed of DHA, the most essential of the omega-3 fatty acids. Severe deficiency in DHA can lead to a noticeable increase in rates of mental retardation and learning disabilities. Women who take fish oil supplements during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to children with higher IQs and longer attention spans. This positive impact is noticeable at least through age 4.
Eye Development
In addition to the essential role that DHA plays in brain health, it is also critical for the proper development of the retina of the eye. The eye undergoes rapid development between the third trimester of pregnancy until the middle of the baby's second year of life. Fish oil supplements during pregnancy can help to assure the proper development of the baby's eyes by providing this key nutrient.
Pre-eclampsia Prevention
Pre-eclampsia (also known as toxemia or pregnancy-induced hypertension) is a dangerous syndrome that affects nearly one in 10 pregnancies in the United States. Research, including a 1995 study at the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, has indicated that pre-eclamspia rates are lower in mothers who supplement with omega-3 fatty acids during pregnancy. Since toxemia is the leading cause of maternal death and preterm labor, fish oil supplementation may save lives.
Preterm Labor
Fish oil supplements may help to prevent preterm labor, a pregnancy complication that can have a tragic or catastrophic outcome. Some prenatal nutritionists believe that omega-3 deficiency may actually be an underlying cause of the preterm-birth epidemic. Supplementation with fish oil is especially important for women who are at high risk of preterm birth.
Maternal Benefits
Pregnancy takes a toll on a mother's natural reserves of DHA and EPA. Without supplementation, her own body can become critically low in these important fatty acids, putting her at a higher risk of developing a number of chronic diseases. Fish oil may help to prevent or treat postpartum depression by restoring DHA and EPA to the mother's brain. Fortunately, the benefits of fish oil continue during the postpartum phase and all stages of breastfeeding.