Pro & Cons of Progesterone Cream
Mild Bad Aspects
Let's start with the more negative aspects of utilizing progesterone cream. This cream can cause some mild symptoms such as a skin rash, dizziness, headaches, mood changes, nausea and vomiting. The usage of progesterone cream can bring back a woman's period and the PMS that she may have gotten rid of. With the return of periods can also come the painful enlargement of the breasts.
Moderate Cons
A woman can experience bleeding problems including unexplained vaginal bleeding problems while utilizing progesterone cream. A woman can have her blood cholesterol become higher. She may also experience mental depression from using this cream.
Severe Cons
But progesterone usage can bring with some aspects that when weighed with the options are not good. Progesterone cream usage is a hormone and can cause a woman to have hormone-induced breast, according to Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld in his book, "Live Now, Age Later." He says: "Though not proven to everyone's satisfaction, (this cancer) remains a real threat that you should be aware, especially if there is a strong family history for it." When utilized for a long period of time, progesterone usage may contribute to a woman having a stroke or blood clots.
Utilizing the hormone progesterone for a menopausal woman has many advantages such as helping treat heavy or unusual bleeding of the uterus by stopping or starting the period. Progesterone can help other hormones such as estrogen work properly. It can help prevent anemia from happening by regulating menstrual blood flow. Using both estrogen and progesterone according to Dr. Rosenfeld, will help a woman get through the symptoms associated with menopause, such as hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, thinning skin, sagging beasts and an atrophying vagina.
Pregnancy Pros
Utilizing progesterone cream can help a woman stop or start the menstrual periods. Progesterone can help a woman become pregnant during egg donor procedures or during infertility treatments. According to the Mayo Clinic, progesterone can also help a woman maintain a pregnancy. The Mayo Clinic in Minnesota also says that progesterone can hep a woman combat the pain of endometreosis.
According to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota, progesterone usage can even help AIDS patients. It seems the progesterone hormone helps the patients by treating the loss of appetite and severe weight loss or muscle loss by causing certain proteins to help produce an increase in the appetite.
Progesterone when added to estrogen by a qualified health care professional may add years to your life. According to Dr. Rosenfeld, taking these two supplements may help women not only with the symptoms of menopause but may also reduce the risk of osteoporosis, stroke, heart attack and may help prevent Alzheimer's. Women have to weigh the risks and the benefits, and talk to a qualified doctor who can discuss the family history to see if utilizing progesterone cream is a viable option.