How to Use an Ovulation Predictor
Track your cycle. Note on a calendar when you begin your period. It's best to do this for several months in order to observe your personal pattern. Determine how many days typically pass from the starting day of your period one month to the next. For most women, this is about 28 days, but it varies from person to person. If your cycle is approximately 28 days long, start testing on day 11, which is about three days before ovulation should normally occur.
Test in the mid-afternoon. Urine that is excreted first thing in the morning can produce false-positive test results. If you take multiple tests, each on a consecutive day, test at the same time each day.
Remove the cap from the test stick. With some kits, you will hold the stick by the grip on the end and point the absorbent tip into your stream of urine for about five seconds. With other kits, you may have the option of urinating into a cup and holding the stick's tip in the urine for five seconds. After five seconds, replace the cap and lay the test stick down on a flat surface with the result window facing upward.
Wait five minutes and check your result. The control window will always show a vertical purple line. If you also see a vertical purple line in the result window that is as dark as the line in the control window or darker, then you have tested positive for a surge of luteinizing hormone. If you want to conceive, it is best to have sex on the day you take the test and the two or three days following.