Natural Ways to Deal With Menopause
Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life she ceases to be fertile. Menstruation stops and she no longer produces the ova that allow her to reproduce. This change occurs over time and brings with it a variety of symptoms. Popular treatment relies on hormone replacement therapies (HRT) which can have myriad side effects. There are natural alternatives for dealing with menopause symptoms.-
Staying Cool
Changes in your own body temperature can trigger hot flashes. Try to avoid situations that will cause an increase in your body temperature. Avoid wearing heavy clothing. Opt for loose layers that can be removed at the onset of a hot flash. Circulating air provided by a fan, open window or an air conditioner will help keep your body temperature from rising. Avoid rooms that are overheated or spending too much time outdoors on a hot day.
Preventing Vaginal Dryness
Menopause can cause a certain amount of vaginal dryness. Staying sexually active can help diminish this effect. Vitamin A or beta carotene, which nurture skin, tissue and mucous membranes, and B vitamins can help with vaginal dryness too. Plant-based moisturizing vaginal gels are available with vitamin E for the relief of dryness and itching.
Due to the changes menopause and aging bring on, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and other health issues can arise. Daily exercise for 30 minute periods can help reduce the risk of developing one of these conditions. Regular exercise is also a significant stress reducer. Stress is known to contribute to the onset of hot flashes. Kegel exercises, a contracting and relaxing of the pelvic floor muscles, can aid some types of urinary incontinence.
Diet plays an important role in managing menopausal symptoms. Hot and spicy food, alcohol and caffeine can cause a hot flash. Adding soy to your diet provides many benefits. Soy contains calcium, protein, iron and many other nutrients needed during menopause. It can reduce hot flashes, lower cholesterol which helps prevent heart disease and may even fight osteoporosis by helping bones keep their calcium and density.
Vitamins and Minerals
B vitamins help with emotional issues related to menopause such as mood swings, nervousness and insomnia. Calcium is necessary to prevent osteoporosis. Magnesium and potassium help fight fatigue associated with menopause. Potassium also helps with heart palpitations, a symptom of menopause, by making the heart beat more regularly.
Herbal Supplements
Black cohosh helps with hot flashes, cramps and irregularities of the menstrual cycle. Chasteberry is believed to help with hot flashes and irregular bleeding, according to Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and Evening Primrose Oil covers several symptoms including vaginal dryness, tender breasts and retention of water. St. John's Wort is used to treat depression, nervousness and fatigue.