What Is Cellulite?
Understanding Cellulite
Cellulite is the dimpled appearance of the skin that occurs when fat deposits sit just below the skin's surface. This is a common problem, particularly for women. The thighs, buttocks and stomach are the most common areas where cellulite builds up. Cellulite typically shows up sometime after puberty. While it is an unsightly and sometimes embarrassing condition, it is not a dangerous problem, and it is not necessarily a sign of obesity. Even slender people can develop cellulite, because everyone has fat just underneath the skin.
Gender is the number one factor, as most people with cellulite are woman. Hormones, such as estrogen, are believed to play a role in cellulite development, since it is typically a female problem that shows up during puberty. Diet can also contribute to cellulite, as carbohydrates, salt and a lack of fiber seem to increase cellulite deposits. Genes seem to play a part in cellulite development as well. Smokers and non-exercisers are more likely to develop cellulite. Finally, circulation problems can cause the condition, which means tight fitting underwear that limit blood flow can be a cause.
Those who do not yet have cellulite can prevent it by living as healthy as possible. A diet full of fruits, vegetables and other forms of fiber can help. Regular exercise, a proper weight and a low-stress lifestyle seem to limit cellulite production. Women can also keep cellulite at bay by wearing thongs and loose-fitting underwear. However, since genes and hormones play a role in cellulite development, even the most careful lifestyle changes may not prevent its development.
Many products claim to be able to "cure" cellulite. Unfortunately, there is no miracle cure for this condition. Creams claim to dissolve fat underneath the skin, but fail to completely cure cellulite. Massage treatments at spas may produce temporary results, but these typically occur because the skin around the cellulite swells slightly, hiding the dimples and divots of cellulite. This will go away after a few weeks, and the cellulite will reappear. Most of these treatments cost a significant amount of money and provide limited results.
Dealing With Existing Cellulite
Even surgical fat removal techniques, such as liposuction, cannot help much with cellulite, because these techniques focus on fat deep in the body. Cellulite sits just below the surface of the skin. While you cannot cure cellulite, you can reduce its appearance quite a bit. Exercise and a proper diet are essential if you want to limit the appearance of your cellulite. You need to find exercises that target the muscles of your lower body. It is recommended to change to a diet that is low in fat and salt and high in natural fiber.