Hot Flash Remedy
Women find that certain foods, drinks and situations can trigger a hot flash, including spicy foods. Alcohol and caffeine can cause a hot flash. Hot weather, saunas, hot showers and warm beds can trigger a hot flash. Stressful conditions are one of the worst triggers. Understanding what triggers your hot flashes and avoiding those things can lessen your hot flashes.
Lifestyle Changes
Making adjustments in your lifestyle can help ward off hot flashes. Exercise helps alleviate hot flashes by releasing endorphins and giving a sense of well-being. Stress reduction and learning how to relax can help keep hot flashes at bay. A relaxation tape or a glass of wine in the evening can help reduce stress. A change in diet can also help. Keep a journal of what foods have been consumed when you have a hot flash. Avoid those trigger foods.
Herbal Supplements & Vitamins
Black cohosh has been highly touted as an herbal aid for hot flashes. Widely used in Europe and becoming more so in the United States, black cohosh may relieve hot flashes, but there is no specific evidence for this theory. A vitamin E supplement of 800 I.U. seems to help some women, but not all women are helped by using vitamins or herbal supplements to reduce hot flashes.
Low-dose antidepressants have been prescribed for menopausal treatment and can ward off hot flashes by rebalancing chemicals in the brain. Hormone replacement therapy can be prescribed for the treatment of hot flashes. In menopausal women estrogen levels decline and can cause hot flashes and other symptoms. By replacing the estrogen in the body, hot flashes will recede. But not every woman should take hormone replacements. Consult with your doctor to find out if hormone replacement therapy is right for you.
Dress in layers and avoid wool. Cotton, rayon and linen are much cooler to the body. Avoid turtlenecks, and use cotton sheets and pajamas. Having ice water on hand when a hot flash hits can reduce the intensity. Keep the thermostat lowered, and invest in a small, battery-operated fan that you can flutter in front of your face. Little things can go a long way in avoiding hot flashes.