How to Get Rid of PMS Bloating
Things You'll Need
- Calcium
- Diuretics
Exercise. Cardiovascular exercise increases circulation, helping to remove excess water from your body. Aim for at least 20 minutes daily while you are menstruating. Jogging, aerobics, cycling or swimming all relieve bloating. If you don't feel up to anything strenuous, go for a walk or practice yoga.
Avoid sodium. Sodium causes your body to retain water, thereby exacerbating your PMS bloating. Lower your salt intake directly before and during your period.
Drink plenty of water to flush retained water out of your system and reduce bloating. Aim for at least 64 oz. of water daily.
Stay away from alcohol and caffeine. Since both contribute to water retention, consuming them will worsen your PMS bloating.
Eat small meals, rather than large ones. Eat five or six mini-meals throughout the day. Large meals often fill up the stomach and contribute to PMS bloating. Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals to keep the digestive process moving smoothly.
Take calcium supplements. Calcium reduces water retention, thereby reducing PMS bloating. Take 1,200 mg daily for best results.
Try diuretics. If your PMS bloating doesn't respond to natural treatment methods, take over-the-counter diuretics. These medications will make your kidneys release sodium, causing you to urinate more and alleviate PMS bloating.