Menstrual Cycle Problems
Sometimes a woman experiences moderate to severe abdominal/pelvic cramps during her menstrual cycle. Naturally produced chemical called leukotrienes are released, which can cause inflammation and cramps. Mild cramps can be treated with ibuprofen or any other over-the-counter pain killer. However, more severe cramps that interfere with everyday life and cause debilitating pain may need a doctor's prescription.
Late Periods
One of the most common causes of late periods is an irregular menstrual cycle, meaning from month to month a woman's cycle may vary. This can be amended with the use of birth control pills, which help to regulate the menstrual cycle. Another common cause of late periods is emotional trauma or stress. The addition of new medications may also counteract with birth control and cause irregular periods as well. Late periods can also be caused be extreme exercise (which can also cause periods to disappear for months at a time), not enough nutrition in a woman's diet, and if the body has an infection or an injury.
Premenstrual Syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome, most commonly referred to as PMS, is a number of physical and emotional symptoms that usually occur before menstruation. These symptoms can range from almost nonexistent to very severe. Symptoms include abdominal cramps and bloating, anxiety, breast soreness, migraines, fatigue and mood swings. Poor diet and exercise can attribute to PMS, but it can also be hereditary. A healthy diet with regular exercise can help battle PMS symptoms, as well as drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as fluoxetine, for severe cases.
Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts are small "bubbles" filled with fluid that appear on a woman's ovaries. Often, these cysts are harmless. However, sometimes they can cause severe pain in the abdominal area due to rupturing of the cyst. Ovarian cysts can be removed, but will oftentimes grow back; if this is the case, some doctors may not recommend surgery. Ovarian cysts are not tumors, and usually are not associated with ovarian cancer; however, if cysts are present in the ovaries, regular doctor visits are recommended for checkups.
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) can be caused by hormonal imbalances or an abnormal uterus. When a woman has excessive vaginal bleeding that can interfere with day to day activities, it is considered abnormal. During a normal period, a woman loses about five tablespoons of blood; if a woman has AUB, she can bleed up to 25 times the normal amount. A doctor's visit is recommended if excessive menstrual bleeding is present, since it can be a sign of more serious problems such as a miscarriage (if you are at risk of being pregnant), fibroids or pre-cancerous conditions.