How to Use Progesterone Creams
Have your hormone levels checked by a doctor before beginning treatment with progesterone creams. While progesterone creams are available without a prescription, your symptoms may be caused by a condition that requires medical treatment.
Avoid using synthetic progesterone; it may cause significant PMS-like side effects. Natural progesterone creams are widely available in most health and beauty stores.
Check the dosage of progesterone in the cream. It varies widely. If you use a product with too little progesterone, you will not receive any health benefits.
Begin using progesterone cream starting on the day you ovulate, or 14 days before beginning your next menstrual cycle. Beginning the cream earlier in your cycle than the day of ovulation can disrupt your natural cycle, prevent ovulation and cause intermittent spotting (which should resolve itself within a few months of use).
Use 1/8 to 1/6 of a teaspoon of cream each day, divided into two applications. This amount can be increased if no improvement in symptoms is noted. Because the amount of progesterone contained in different products varies, make certain you are getting between 15 and 25 mg of progesterone each day.
Apply the cream to a different area of skin with each use to avoid irritation. Concentrate on areas of thin skin, such as the stomach, breasts, inner arms and thighs. This will help absorption. Most of the progesterone will be absorbed through your palms during application.