Causes of Bloating in Menopause
Bloating during menopause may be caused by fluctuating hormones, particularly estrogen, according to Prior to peri-menopause and menopause, when a woman is about to have her menstrual period, the rising estrogen levels cause females to retain more water, which leads to bloating. When estrogen levels become inconsistent and unpredictable during peri-menopause, water retention and bloating also become erratic. You may wake up feeling fine and then within a matter of hours be bloated and rushing to unzip your pants.
We all have bile in our intestines. Bile is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Its purpose is to aid digestion and to act as a lubrication in the intestines. When estrogen levels plummet during menopause, bile production decreases. Stools can become hard and dry and may remain in the small intestine for longer than normal because there isn't adequate lubrication. This can result in constipation and the attendant bloating, according to
Many menopausal women report that they have become quite gassy. This is also due to hormonal fluctuations, which impact the production of gas. Add that to decreased bile production and water retention and bloat is almost inevitable.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
According to, if a woman opts to undergo hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, during menopause, this may cause bloating along with breast tenderness, mood changes, headaches and bleeding.
Menopause Weight
Women tend to gain weight when they enter peri-menopause, which can last for several years, according to A woman may gain an average of one pound a year until she reaches full menopause. Women who have surgical menopause--hysterectomies--gain weight even more rapidly. "Menopause weight" is courtesy of the male hormone androgen, and women will tend to gain the weight in their abdomen, which will exasperate the feeling of bloating, rather than in their hips or thighs. The hormone progesterone diminishes when a woman goes through menopause. When this happens, bloating and water retention occur.
Insulin Resistance
When estrogen levels decline, according to, your body searches for new sources of estrogen. Fat cells are estrogen sources so your body converts calories into fat to increase estrogen production. When a woman's body mistakenly converts calories into fat, this results in estrogen overcorrection and insulin resistance and weight gain, and bloating can occur.