Natural Ways to Relieve Menstrual Cramps
Sipping hot tea can be relaxing and a specially designed blend can relieve the discomforts associated with a woman's menstrual cycle including mood and cramping. Yogi Tea Healing Formula Woman's Moon Cycle is an organic tea blend of three ingredients; Don Quai, juniper berry and raspberry leaf. Used in ancient Chinese medicine, Don Quai, is an herb known alleviate menstrual cramping and also to reduce the symptoms of PMS. Chamomile tea, raspberry leaf tea and ginger tea can also be used to help ease and alleviate menstrual cramps.
Exercise and Yoga
Exercise can help take the edge off of severe menstrual cramping. Walking, riding a bike or jogging are great exercises to keep you in shape but they can also prevent menstrual cramping from becoming so bad that all you can do is curl up into a ball on the bed. Yoga is another natural way to combat menstrual cramping. Different poses held for different lengths of time stretch the body, improve posture and release tension from the body, all of which contribute to the severity of menstrual cramping.
Different massages can be used to ease and alleviate menstrual cramps and cause relaxation which will reduce PMS symptoms. Shiatsu, acupressure and Maya abdominal massage are just a few types of massages that are used to relieve and ease menstrual cramps in a natural way. Massage works the tense muscles into a relaxed state. Different massages will focus on different parts of the body including the back, neck and abdomen areas. It is best to speak with a massage practitioner and a doctor to find out which one may be right for you.
Essential oils made from plants and herbs then placed into massage oils, candles and air diffusers make up aromatherapy. Aromatherapy focuses on using smell through the nasal cavity to stimulate the limbic system in the brain. This part of the brain influences emotions, memories, adrenals and pituitary glands. When this part of the brain is influenced by aromatherapy it causes a balance in mood, emotions, hormones and stress levels. Aromatherapy as a natural way to ease menstrual cramps can be used in steam baths, compresses and in massage oils.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in salmon, mackerel, sardines and anchovies. Studies have shown that women who take a fish oil supplement or add omega-3 rich foods to their diet had a positive effect on menstrual cramping. Two of the main ingredients in fish oil; eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), may reduce prostaglandin levels which contribute to the contraction of muscle and the dilation and constriction of blood vessels. By adding a supplement of omega-3 fatty acid or by adding it in diet rich foods women can relieve menstrual cramps in a natural way. Before taking any supplements, speak with a doctor first. Omega-3 should not be taken by women who are on blood thinners such as warfarin or coumadin as they can interact with these medications.