The Effects of Makeup on Skin
What's in Makeup?
- discusses brands of makeup that can be harmful to you and should be avoided, as well as the contents of these products and the potential damage that they might do and why. Concerns include allergies, reproductive toxicity, cancer, and immuno-toxicity. If you are concerned about what you are putting on your skin, Skin Deep, found on, provides a safety guide to cosmetics and personal-care products. The information is provided by the researchers at the Environmental Working Group.
Problem Skin
If you have problem skin and are trying to cover up acne with makeup products, you may be creating a vicious cycle, according to If you pick the wrong product for your skin, you may aggravate the existing problem instead of fixing it. Find a good topical product that contains gentle but effective ingredients that will destroy the bacteria on your skin. After you have used this anti-acne product, make sure that you moisturize and then follow up with a foundation for best results and the most protection.
Mineral Makeup
A lot of women are opting for mineral makeup because it is considered to be hypoallergenic. Other types of makeup that have chemicals in them can cause allergic reactions, such as itching, boils and rashes, according to Mineral makeup is also reportedly very good for covering up acne while still being kind to the face. reports that most mineral makeup is organic and free from dyes and preservatives, which should minimize the possibility of an allergic reaction.
Heal and Conceal
- recommends using a blemish concealer that treats problem areas in addition to covering them up. Purchase a product that contains ingredients that will calm inflamed skin. recommends the Everything Pencil EraseZit All in Once Concealer and Corrector With Tea Tree from Judith August because the ingredients in these product reportedly reduce the appearance of blemishes while also encouraging healing.
Purchase a lipstick that has a sun protection factor (SPF) in it so that you are protecting your lips from sun exposure. Lipstick will keep your lips moisturized. Likewise, buy a foundation that contains SPF and a good moisturizer, which will both protect and plump the skin, making it skin more luminous and youthful-looking.
Makeup can cause breakouts and rashes if it's old and contaminated, according to Do not share your make-p with your friends and do not add water to your makeup to thin or thicken it, because that can create a breeding ground for bacteria. When you are purchasing makeup, look for the following ingredients and avoid products that contain them: parabens, preservatives and can be an irritant; and sodium lauryl sulphate, which is used to make makeup spread more easily but can cause allergic reactions. Do not sleep with your makeup on and clean your makeup tools regularly to avoid contamination.