Causes of Low Progesterone
Sometimes the body will produce too much estrogen in certain cases such as in cases of obesity and with hormone medication. Fat cells hold and produce estrogen, so essentially the more body fat you have, the more estrogen is being produced in your body, this will, in turn, lower the levels of progesterone that is produced naturally.
When a person's body has a tolerance to insulin production, this can cause the hormones to become imbalanced, lowering the progesterone production in the body. Resistance of insulin all-together is a leading factor as well.
A high stress lifestyle will also effect the body's ability to create and produce progesterone. Strenuous physical stress as well as mental trauma and anxiety severely alters the body's hormones and their productivity.
Malnutrition will not only affect your internal vital organs, but your hormone production as well. In order for your body to pump hormones like progesterone through the body, proper nutrition should be followed.
Refraining from regular exercise causes hormones to sometimes go dormant or decrease production. This causes trauma to the hormone producing glands in the body, therefore hindering the ability to release needed progesterone.
Depending on the medication you're on, it can affect the amount of progesterone your body produces and absorbs. Certain hormone treatments alter the body's ability to absorb naturally produced hormones, such as progesterone, and even estrogen or testosterone.
Sometimes, doctor's can't figure out the particular cause of low progesterone, in each woman, that is why it's best to exercise proper nutrition paired with an active and healthy lifestyle. Avoid drinking and eating from plastic containers, and especially avoid reheating food in plastic containers. Doctors have found a link in many progesterone related symptoms with the consumption of materials in plastic containers and receptacles.