How to Get Financial Help With a Tubal Ligation Reversal

From time to time, people who elect to have a tubal ligation come to the realization that they wish to have this procedure, which renders them unable to conceive, reversed. Even though this can be a very expensive procedure, there are ways in which a person can locate financial help in an attempt to add another member to their family. Not every step will work for everyone; therefore, investigating all of the options listed may allow you to find the financial help with tubal ligation that you need.

Things You'll Need

  • Copy of health insurance policy
  • Current credit report
  • List of current household expenses and monthly bills
  • List of current assets
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      Determining whether or not you really wish to have your tubal ligation reversed is paramount. Remember that you had the tubal ligation for a reason; however, this does not mean that you cannot change your mind. Many couples have been able to find the financial help they need to make having a new baby a reality after a tubal ligation.

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      Finding financial help for a tubal ligation reversal can be as easy as reading the fine print in your health insurance policy. Some health insurance companies will pay for this procedure, and some may pay just a portion of the costs. Unfortunately, these provisions may be few and far between. Insurance companies often look at tubal ligation and tubal ligation reversal as elective surgery and will not cover any costs. Then again, there are some insurance companies that will pay at least part of the costs. By obtaining the insurance codes from your physician you will be able to determine from reading your policy what is covered and what is not covered.

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      There are surgeons who will allow you to spread out payments toward the surgery. If you choose this route, however, you will need to wait until the procedure is completely paid for before the tubal ligation reversal can take place. Depending upon your financial situation, this may take a very long time.

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      Though the costs of tubal ligation reversal may be exponential, there are various methods of locating the capital needed for this procedure. Those who work for large companies, for example, may be able to utilize their flexible spending accounts (FLEX plans). Other couples may opt to take out a loan through various medical lending organizations such as Medical Resource Partners or My Medical Loan, and still others might decide to utilize one or more credit cards to pay for the procedure.

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      There are many couples who have found help through their church. Depending upon your personal circumstances and the church that you belong to, there may be financial help available to pay for the procedure either in part or in full.

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