How to Induce Labor at Home
Things You'll Need
- Herbs
- Oils
- 1 Hand-held breast pump
- Enema apparatus
Soften your cervix. Evening Primrose Oil taken orally twice a day in the last week of pregnancy is effective. Soft gels can also be opened and applied directly to the cervix inside the vagina. It is best to have a partner help you do this.
Another cervix-softener is the combination of blue cohosh and black cohosh herbal tinctures. Three drops black and ten drops blue cohosh in a cup of hot water three times a day will thin the cervix in a day or two. You can sweeten the tea with honey if desired.
Have frequent sexual relations with the father-to-be. Semen is the best cervix-softener.
Encourage contractions. If the uterus is sensitive, simply jostling your belly every five minutes may trigger labor. Evening Primrose Oil taken three times a day can cause frequent short contractions. Taking cohosh tea every hour will stimulate labor pains also. Use one or two doses of homeopathic caulyphyllum to help coordination of uterine muscles.
Use nipple stimulation. A rush of contraction-causing hormones are released naturally into the mother's bloodstream when nipples are stimulated. Try a breast pump for ten minutes on each side every hour until labor is well established.
Use pressure points. The top middle of the shoulders (do both sides at the same time) and a hand's breadth above the ankle beside the shin bone are spots that stimulate uterine contractions when pressed and held for a few minutes. You will feel a slight tenderness if you are doing it correctly.
Irritate the bowel. Hot, high and soapy enemas have been used in hospitals for years to speed up labor. You could also drink a quart of prune juice in the morning after a good night's sleep. Castor oil is an effective alternative. Take two ounces in orange juice with breakfast and expect to be in labor within six hours.