Phases of Hair Loss in Women
Hair loss might occur due to a physical problem like hormone imbalance. In this case, you notice hair starting to fall and get thinner. This is reversible.
Time Frame
Hair loss from stress or disease doesn't show right away. The hairs go into a dormant stage and don't grow. Old hairs fall out normally. Eventually, you notice the hair loss.
Stress hair loss shows several months after the factor that causes the stress. If the body senses a problem, it goes into the fight or flight mode. Many types of unnecessary functions shut down, including hair loss. It regrows after the stress reduces.
Genetic hair loss, androgenetic alopecia, starts with general thinning of the hair shaft. Consequently, it negates the appearance of hair fullness. The same type of hair loss may also occur if there's too much of the male hormone. This occurs for several health related reasons.
Stage Two
Eventually, genetic hair loss causes some of the hair bulbs to die, and there's a diffuse pattern of scanty hair all over the head.
Genetic hair loss in women may also include the same pattern as the male balding pattern, but not necessarily.