What Are the Benefits of Iodine for Fibroids?

The connection between fibroids and iodine is very strong. Medical studies have linked fibroids as a result of iodine deficiency. Fibroids normally grow on the breast and female reproductive organs, which essentially contains the highest concentration of iodine in the body.
  1. Iodine's Role

    • Iodine plays vital roles in maintaining normal functions of the glands. It is essential in production of hormones, which regulate growth and development. With iodine deficiency, hormonal imbalance occurs. This may lead to the development of abnormal growths such as fibroid tumors.

    Iodine-based Treatments

    • Most fibroid tumors are benign. Various treatments using iodine were found to be effective in reducing the size and gradually dissolving fibroids.

    Iodine Soaking and Painting

    • Iodine soaking and iodine painting treatments were found to be effective in gradually dissolving uterine fibroids, cervix growths and other growths on and beneath the womb.

    Iodine Supplements

    • Iodine is not a drug. It is a natural substance that has both organic and inorganic sources. Iodine supplements were found to be effective in reducing the size of fibroid tumors. Molecular iodine is more readily accepted by the body tissues compared to other tumor reducing substances.

    Possible Side Effects

    • Topical and oral iodine treatments are generally safe when used in recommended amounts and dosages. Burning of the mouth, throat and stomach, fever, vomiting and diarrhea were observed in rare cases of side-effects.


    • People who are allergic to iodine must stay away from iodine-based treatments. Allergy tests need to be done prior to treatment to avoid serious side-effects.

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