Symptoms of Diaphragmatic Endometriosis
Chest Pain
According to Oxford Journals, women with diaphragmatic endometriosis may experience a pattern of having chest pains during certain times of the month. The chest pains will correlate with a woman's menstrual cycle.
Pain in the Upper Right Torso
Women suffering from diaphragmatic endometriosis might suffer from pain in the upper right portion of their upper body. This pain increases and decreases with the menstrual cycle.
Pain in Right Shoulder
Women with diaphragmatic endometriosis may present with unexplained pain in the tip of their right shoulder. As with pain in other areas of the body, this pain will correlate with the menstrual cycle.
History of Endometriosis
According to the St. Charles Endometriosis Treatment Program Newsletter, winter, 1994, most individuals with diaphragmatic endometriosis have had gynecological problems in the past. Many present with a history of pelvic endometriosis.
Sleep Difficulties
Some women with diaphragmatic endometriosis find themselves having sleep difficulties. The endometrial tissue causes them pain when they sleep in certain positions and can become chronic.