Skin Rash as a Symptom of Menopause
What Is Menopause?
Menopause is the cessation of the production of female hormones within the body, which in turn, disrupts the homeostasis of the female body.
Skin Problems
The decrease of hormones within the female body can cause a range of skin problems, including increased wrinkles, drying of the skin, skin crawling during hot flashes and increased pigmentation.
When Do Skin Problems Begin?
According to, itchy skin and skin rashes begin at the cessation of the menstrual cycle. This time is called perimenopause, the time leading up to menopause, generally three to 10 years prior. Some women experience skin problems after menopause begins.
Drying of the Skin
With the decrease of estrogen in the female body, the skin can become excessively dry, causing itchy skin. Scratching the itchy skin can cause rashes and may become infected. Medically known as pruritis, the condition can disrupt sleep by waking up individuals with uncontrollable itchy skin.
Menopause and Rashes
Skin rashes can signal an excess of progestin in the body, particularly if the woman is undergoing hormone replacement therapy. An excess of progestin can stimulate the hypothalamus to dry out the skin. These rashes can present in several forms: small bumps on the skin, itchy skin, eczema or red spots.
Remedies for Skin Irritation
Most women can find relief with herbal remedies. Some find relief with an increase in lipsomes, flaxseed oil, vitamin E and vitamin C intake. Others find that cocoa butter and vitamin E oil, applied to the rashes, effectively relieve the irritation. Some find relief with an estrogen-rich cream. Seek medical advice before starting any treatment.