How To Cure Hotflashes
Dress in layers so you can easily remove clothing if you start to feel overheated. The Mayo Clinic says that even a small increase in your body's temperature can ignite a hot flash. As soon as you begin to feel the heat, strip off a layer to help your body cool down before a hot flash takes hold.
Drink a cold drink as soon as you feel a hot flash beginning. If possible, you should also move to a cooler area such as an air-conditioned room. You can even stand in front of a fan or an open window. The idea is to cool down in whatever way you can.
Avoid hot and and overly spicy foods, as well as caffeinated drinks and alcohol. According to the Mayo Clinic, all of these items can lead to a hot flash. You may even start to recognize specific foods and drinks that trigger you so you can stay away from them.
Practice deep, slow abdominal breathing. The Mayo Clinic says this is known as "paced respiration," and it can prevent or shorten hot flashes. It should be done twice a day as a preventative measure, and you show also do it if you feel a hot flash starting. Inhale deeply for 5 seconds while pushing out on your stomach muscles. Exhale for 5 seconds, pulling the stomach muscles up and in.
See your doctor for a prescription treatment such as hormone therapy or anti-depressants. If other methods are not relieving your hot flashes and they're interfering with your daily comfort, a prescription aid can offer relief. These treatments can have side effects, so discuss all of the options with your doctor to make sure you choose the best one for your individual circumstances.