What Can Prevent Hot Flashes?
Exercise is not only good for your overall health, but can help prevent hot flashes. Exercise that also de-stresses you can be extra helpful in preventing discomfort. Cooling down after exercises can also help.
Eliminate Food Triggers
Avoid foods that trigger hot flashes. Spicy foods, as well as caffeinated and alcoholic drinks are more likely to produce hot flashes in women.
No Smoking
Smoking has been shown to be associated with a higher occurrence of hot flashes. Quit smoking to prevent further uncomfortable episodes.
Dietary Supplements
The Mayo Clinic suggests that some dietary supplements may keep hot flashes at bay (see Resources). Ask your doctor about taking soy supplements, vitamin E or red clover.
Hormone Replacement Therapy
Some women find no relief from hot flashes with lifestyle changes. In these cases, hormone replacement therapy may be required in order to prevent hot flashes.