Recurring Yeast Infection Causes
Origins of Candida
The human body has several types of bacteria and fungus naturally occurring within the body, in homeostasis, but when it becomes imbalanced, an infection can occur. Though a candida infection is not technically an infection---an infection implies an external source of infection and candida is already present within the body---the overgrowth of the fungus is termed an infection. This is what happens when a woman gets a yeast infection. The bacteria within the body that keep the candida fungus in check are low, causing the fungus to rapidly multiply and create an infection. Yeast infections are more present in women due to stress, lack of sleep, pregnancy, illness or poor diets.
Symptoms of a Yeast Infection
The symptoms of a yeast infection include a cheese-like discharge that is thick and curd-like, vaginal itching, vaginal burning particularly during urination, pain during sexual intercourse and vaginal soreness. Some women can go asymptomatic until the infection has spread throughout or noticed by a physician.
Medical Conditions
Some women experience recurrent yeast infections. While it is not very common, a recurrent yeast infection could signal a more significant, underlying illness. Women with recurrent yeast infections are usually checked for diabetes and HIV, as both diseases are immune suppressing, which can trigger recurrent yeast infections. Women who have naturally low immune systems and tend toward frequent system infections may have frequent yeast infections, mainly due to the excessive amounts of antibiotics taken. Antibiotics will destroy all bacteria within the system, including the ones that are regulating the candida fungus. This is why physicians warn women about taking large amounts of antibiotics.
External Causes
Frequent douching can cause systemic yeast infections. The vaginal canal is a self-cleaning mechanism and does not need to be douched; however, some women feel douching is necessary. By douching, the naturally occurring bacteria are washed out, again, causing an overgrowth of yeast.
Diet and Exercise
Birth control pills, stress, changes in weather and frequent exposure to moist or wet clothing, such as spandex and lycra clothing, can cause recurrent yeast infections. Diets that are high in sugar also will produce recurrent yeast infections. Sugar is a food source for candida, so a diet high in sugar will stimulate an overgrowth within the intestines, thereby causing an overgrowth in the vaginal area.
Avoiding Yeast Infections
Most women treat yeast infections with over-the-counter medications, and such medications will treat the occasional infection. Women with recurrent infections will need to seek medical help, as there could be additional reasons for the infection. Once systemic infections and misuse of antibiotics are ruled out as the culprit, your doctor can prescribe medications that will kill of the fungus. Misuse of over-the-counter medications can also contribute to recurrent infections, so it is best to get a doctor's advice on your infection first.