How Can I Tell My Partner I'm Pregnant?
Plan a specific date and time to tell your partner you are pregnant. Write it in your planner or enter a note in your online calendar. Give yourself time to prepare for the announcement, but don't wait too long or you will only become more nervous. Plan it about a week prior to the date, and schedule a date with your partner.
Choose a location to tell your partner. Select a location that is comfortable and relaxing, yet gives you adequate privacy. A bench in the park or a secluded booth at a small restaurant would be good choices.
Start the conversation on a positive note. Give your partner a sweet kiss, take his hand and tell him how much you appreciate him and how much your relationship means to you.
Tell your partner that you recently found out you are pregnant. Before proceeding, wait a moment to let the realization of what you are saying sink in. He may seem upset or startled, but don't take it personally. You have had some time to process what's going on; let him do the same.
Go on to tell him how much you need his support right now, and remind him, gently and tenderly, that you are in this together. Talk about some other struggles the two of you have endured, and remind him how they strengthened your relationship. Ask him how he feels, and continue open conversation.