How Can I Make My Menstrual Cycle Start?
Things You'll Need
- Physical examination
- Blood tests
Schedule an appointment to see your doctor for a physical exam. It is important to know the reason why your period is not starting before you take steps to induce bleeding. Your doctor will take your medical history and examine you to help determine the cause of your problem and to definitely rule out pregnancy.
Have blood tests run to check your hormone levels, including estrogen, progesterone and thyroid hormones. Abnormal functioning of your thyroid or pituitary gland may have an impact on your menstrual cycle and other hormonal levels. If this is the cause of your missed periods, prescription medications to treat the underlying issues will most likely make your cycle start.
Take birth-control pills to regulate your menstrual cycle and induce bleeding at the appropriate time. Most women under 40 years old who are nonsmokers can take the pill without major health risks.
Cut back on exercise if you follow a rigorous workout routine. According to the Mayo Clinic, female athletes often do not bleed because extreme training programs may cause them to have very low body fat (see Resources).
Make sure you are getting the vitamins and calories you need each day. Hormonal changes may be the result of malnutrition in some women. Following a heart-healthy diet of whole grains, lean proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables could be all you need to make your menstrual cycle start back up.
Reduce the amount of stress in your life. Periods can become irregular and even stop completely due to stress. Try to alleviate your load at work or home and participate in a hobby you enjoy to create some calm and quiet in your life.