How to Avoid Yeast Infections
Things You'll Need
- Acidophilus
Take acidophilus supplements or eat yogurt that contains acidophilus if you are prone to yeast infections or if you are taking antibiotics. Acidophilus is a good bacteria that fights yeast.
Wear cotton underwear and avoid wearing tight clothes. The vagina needs plenty of air circulation to maintain a proper balance of flora. If you are prone to yeast infections, wear a nightgown at bedtime and skip the underwear.
Avoid scented toilet paper, scented sanitary napkins, scented tampons and douches. All these things upset the delicate balance in the vagina. Use a mild or unscented laundry detergent to wash your underwear. Strong detergents can irritate the vagina.
Skip using soap, which can irritate the vagina, and wash the vaginal area with warm water alone. Because the vaginal naturally cleanses itself, warm water alone is sufficient.
Wipe from the front to the back, (starting with the vagina and ending with the anus) with toilet paper after going to the bathroom. This avoids contaminating the vagina with fecal matter, which could introduce bacteria that contributes to yeast growth.