Normal Blood Pressure Level in Women
Normal Values
According to the American Heart Association, a blood pressure reading under 120/80 is considered normal in women. Pre-hypertensive levels are 120 to 139/80 to 89 mm Hg and will require lifestyle modification. Anything above that requires aggressive treatment.
Average blood pressure levels increase as women age. After age 50, one out of two women will have hypertension.
Blood pressure is directly linked to lifestyle choices. Hypertension can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, stress and certain substances including caffeine, nicotine and birth control pills.
Pregnancy-induced hypertension is a serious and common complication. Frequent blood pressure checks are required to help prevent serious maternal and fetal distress.
Maintaining a healthy blood pressure significantly decreases your risk of heart attack, heart failure, stroke and kidney failure. Ask your doctor about ways to manage your blood pressure at or near normal values.