Effects of Low Testosterone in Women
Testosterone is an androgen. It is the male sex hormone, but it is also found in women.
In women, testosterone is responsible for increasing the sex drive and promoting bone growth. It can also relieve depression and decrease vasomotor symptoms, vaginal dryness and atrophy.
Testosterone deficiency in women can lead to low sexual desire, lack of fantasies, lack of sensitivity to sexual stimulation and lack of orgasms. It is also known to cause flabbiness, weak muscles, low energy, poor coordination, loss of hair and dry skin.
There are multiple reasons for a testosterone deficiency. These include menopause, hysterectomy or childbirth. Sometimes the cause is unknown.
Many doctors will tell a woman that her levels are fine when they are at zero. This happens because doctors do not agree on a normal level in women. Some believe that 20 is right, while others think it should be around 24. Ask to see the numbers, and get a second opinion if needed. According to Dr. Uzzi Reiss, normal testosterone levels in women can range anywhere from 20 to 100, but are typically between 30 and 80.
Many doctors treat low testosterone with shots or a pill. These medications are not natural testosterone, and the FDA warns that they can have serious side effects, such as deepened voice, enlarged clitoris and facial hair. Be sure to learn as much as you can about any treatment before beginning it.