Diet and Health Tips for Mothers After Cesarean Delivery
It is important to eat a healthy, well-balanced diet which includes all four food groups. Particularly important to post-cesarean health are fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy foods and protein.
Since a woman who delivered via C-section will probably experience increased gas after the procedure, limiting foods which produce gas, such as fried foods and carbonated drinks, is highly recommended.
Time Frame
The World Health Organization (WHO) reviewed six clinical trials designed to study the effects of early versus delayed eating post-cesarean. WHO found that there are no compelling factors to delay eating a diet of normal food following cesarean surgery.
Women who have undergone a cesarean section should take care to get adequate vitamins from food and supplements, especially vitamins E and C as these promote health and healing and help the body resist infection.
Expert Insight
The International Cesarean Awareness Network recommends increasing your activity slowly and only taking care of your baby and yourself for the first few weeks at home. Get help with household chores and taking care of your other children.