Early Menopause Symptoms
Menstrual Changes
A noticeable change occurs in the normal pattern of a woman's menstrual cycle because of a disruption in the balance of hormones. These changes may include shorter cycles, very light or heavy periods and less frequent or missed periods.
Hot Flashes
Hot flashes or "night sweats" is one of the most common menopausal complaints and is thought to be more prevalent in early onset menopause.
Weight Gain
Weight gain or weight redistribution throughout the abdominal region can occur in early menopause. This generally results from imbalanced hormone levels or a decrease in the metabolic rate.
Headaches, frequently termed "menstrual migraines," most noticeably occur in women already suffering from irregular or erratic periods.
Hair Loss or Unwanted Growth
A decrease in estrogen levels which may lead to testosterone dominance can cause thinning or loss of scalp hair and an increase in unwanted facial, chest or abdominal hair.