How to Test for Premenopause
Consider your symptoms. Most women who are entering premenopause experience hot flashes, irregular periods, insomnia or fatigue, irritability and vaginal dryness. If you have these symptoms and are wondering if they might be related to premenopause, then a FSH test, or follicle stimulating hormone test, could be right for you. FSH is a hormone that tends to increase when a woman's ovaries stop maturing and releasing eggs.
Purchase the test. You can find the test at drug stores or online (see Resources below). Talk to your doctor about the test if you would prefer testing in his office.
Follow the individual test directions and wait for the results.
Read the results. This step can differ depending upon the test. For most tests, however, you will receive a positive or negative result. A positive result indicates increased levels of FSH in your urine. Remember, the test is not designed as a test specifically for premenopause or menopause. It is simply designed to tell you if you have increased hormone levels in your urine. Increased levels of FSH in the blood are related to premenopause and menopause.
If you have increased levels of FSH in your urine, you should repeat the test 7 days after the first test. You need to do this because your FSH levels fluctuate throughout your menstrual cycle. One positive test result does not mean you are entering menopause. However, two or more tests showing an increased level of FSH are much more indicative of premenopause.
Note if you have increased levels of FSH. If you do, you'll likely feel more comfortable knowing that your symptoms are probably related to premenopause or menopause. If your levels are normal according to a home test, contact your physician to talk about your symptoms. She may want to run additional tests.