How to Increase Bust Size
Things You'll Need
- Weights
- Hormonal medications
- Herbal treatments
Perform chest exercises with weights. If you increase the underlying muscles in the chest, the pectorals, your bust will appear larger. Lie on your back, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Hold the dumbbells over your chest, with your arms extended but not fully straight. Slowly lower the weights down to each side, keeping your arms extended the entire time. Repeat the motion, as if you are wrapping your arms around a large barrel, 12 to 15 times.
Join your hands together in front of your chest, palms facing each other. Press your palms into each other as you squeeze your chest muscles. Do this 30 to 50 times daily. As this works your pectoral muscles, you'll notice an increase in your bust size over time.
Massage your breasts. Since massage improves circulation, blood and nutrients can reach the breast tissue more readily, making the breasts appear fuller. Aim to massage your breasts for 3 to 5 minutes at a time at least three times daily.
Take hormonal medications. Certain medications such as birth control pills can increase your estrogen levels, leading to larger breasts. You will need a doctor's prescription in order to obtain such medications.
Try herbal treatments. Various creams, lotions and pills claim to increase bust size via the use of natural herbs. Most products contain phytoestrogens, which are produced by plants. Phytoestrogens affect the body similarly to the way estrogen does. You generally have to use natural treatments for several months in order to see results.
Consider plastic surgery. There are various types of surgeries available that can increase your bust size. Pick a plastic surgeon who specializes in breast enlargements and augmentations. Your doctor will discuss various options of size and materials with you at your consultation.