How to Apply Perfume Modestly
Understand that for cologne-strength perfumes, a little goes a long way. Apply concentrated perfumes directly to the pulse points of the body. Common ones are the wrists, behind your ears, along your neckline and the inside of your elbows. A tiny dash of perfume applied to your cleavage will add an air of sensuality about you as well.
Know that body spray perfumes are much lighter, and can be more liberally applied. One technique for not coming on too strong is to spray the body spray perfume over your body at arm's length. Only one pass is necessary for an all over aroma that will attract the right kind of notice.
Keep in mind that for regular strength perfumes, a little finesse is in order. Try spraying a cloud of perfume in the air directly in front of you. Walk into the perfume, and let the perfume particles fall where they will. This technique will ensure that you get just enough of your favorite fragrance.