How to Shorten Your Menstrual Cycle
Things You'll Need
- Birth control pills
- Exercise
- Healthy diet
Talk to your doctor about birth control pills. Various birth control medications, particular low-dose estrogen pills, help to shorten periods. Women on such pills often menstruate for fewer days, and have fewer menstrual side effects such as cramps, bloating and PMS.
Exercise. Cardiovascular exercise improves circulation which encourages menstrual blood flow. For best results, exercise daily for at least 30 to 45 minutes.
Sit in a hot bath. The hot water aids in blood vessel dilation which improves blood flow to the uterus. You may experience a heavier menstrual flow after soaking in hot water, however, the heavier flow usually equates to fewer bleeding days.
Apply hot compresses or a heating pad to your lower abdomen. Similarly to a hot tub's effect, the heat will dilate your blood vessels and expedite blood flow.
Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. Water helps to flush away toxins that can extend menstrual periods.
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. Poor nutrition can lead to irregular or prolonged menstrual cycles. Take a multi-vitamin to ensure you are getting proper nutrition. Also, eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.