Can Dieting Cause Irregular Periods?
Menstrual cycles, or periods, are an important part of the female reproductive cycle. Missing a period can indicate a reproductive problem including polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS) or uterine fibroids. Because periods are directly linked to hormonal levels, missing periods can signify a hormonal imbalance.
The main culprit in most missed periods is excess production of the hormone cortisol. This hormone is released by the brain in times of stress. When present in excessive amounts, cortisol will interfere with the proper cycling of progesterone and estrogen and lead to irregular periods.
By definition, dieting is a reduction in food intake. When dieting is done improperly, it can lead to malnutrition, which the body perceives as stressful. This then causes cortisol levels to increase. It is possible to reduce the amount of food eaten each day without depriving the body of food's nutritive value.
Dieting can also lead to missed periods if the dieting is extreme enough to cause the body to believe it is starving. Again, cortisol is produced in response to this malnutrition and suppresses ovulation. In addition, reduced food intake can physically alter proteins produced in the brain that are directly responsible for ovulation.
If someone experiences a missed period and dietary reasons are suspected, it is important to supplement the diet in order to bring the hormones back into balance. Levels of vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium are all low in women who experience skipped periods when dieting.
If periods continue to be irregular, it is important to consult a physician. A visit to the gynecologist is the only sure way to determine whether irregular periods are attributable to dieting or another, perhaps more serious, medical condition.