Best Lamaze Classes in NYC
RealBirth is a terrific Lamaze course based in midtown Manhattan. RealBirth has all of the essential features you could ask for: It offers breastfeeding education, childbirth and pregnancy support and new-parent education. RealBirth also focuses on making smart choices in pregnancy, childbirth and raising a child. There are not only numerous pregnancy and birth workshops, but classes and workshops for parents of new babies as well. These classes cost about $185 for four sessions.
"I" Wareness is an unusual, innovative Lamaze program with locations both on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and in Brooklyn. This is a Lamaze class with a unique twist, as it focuses on hypnosis in birthing. It also covers the use of hypnosis to achieve fertility. HypnoBirthing focuses on relaxed, comfortable, safe and natural childbirth education. HypnoBirthing classes cost $575 per expecting couple.
Stork and Cradle is a Lamaze course available in lower midtown Manhattan that focuses on "empowering childbirth and parenting preparation." The benefit to taking Stork and Cradle courses is that they focus on a broad range of topics; they are definitely not limited to childbirth. Their classes feature instruction in breastfeeding, preparing for childbirth and labor, taking care of your baby once he is born, safety care and even consultations on lactation. Stork and Cradle Lamaze class sessions cost $325 per couple.
Those on a slimmer budget should consider using The Childbirth Education Association of Metropolitan New York (a.k.a. CEAMNY). CEAMNY offers an extensive range of classes focusing on childbirth and preparation for becoming parents. Not only does CEAMNY offer classes, but there are also many Lamaze workshops and seminars available. Access to CEAMNY's classes, workshops and seminars costs $135.
Expert Insight
Ellen Chuse is a expert on childbirth and Lamaze techniques. She is a certified childbirth educator and offers childbirth classes in both Manhattan and Brooklyn. These Lamaze classes concentrate on childbirth options, pregnancy, labor and postpartum life, and strategies to cope with pain and discomfort. Ellen Chuse's childbirth classes cost $350.