Birthing Techniques
According to Dr. Grantley Dick-Read, who inspired the movement for natural birthing with his book "Childbirth Without Fear: The Principles and Practices of Natural Childbirth," many women are caught with a fear-tension-pain syndrome that is the culprit of their painful births. The unknown of what's happening during birth creates tension, which leads to pain, which creates more fear. Birthing techniques prepare a mom-to-be ahead of time with what to expect during a normal labor and birth and give her alternative ways to alleviate pain rather than relying on an epidural.
Lamaze is the oldest and most popular method of childbirth preparation. It emphasizes distraction via active concentration, using patterned breathing through contractions, and relying on focal points. Women are encouraged to move around when in labor, to have their partner or doula give them a massage, and to relax each body part, one at a time, until all tension is released. The Bradley Method promotes natural childbirth, good nutrition during pregnancy and using a husband or partner as a coach during labor. Coaches help mom relax by using positive affirmations, massage, hot/cold presses, and general support. Hypnobirthing teaches moms to use self-hypnosis to achieve an inner state of peace and calm. The McMoyler Method emphasizes that childbirth isn't competition and encourages moms to be flexible in their birth plans. A healthy mom and a healthy child---not necessarily a natural birth---is the goal of a McMoyler birth.
Mothers who experience a positive birth experience feel more empowered and satisfied than those whose birth outcomes ventured far from their birth plan. Even though birthing techniques don't guarantee an ideal birthing experience, they at least leave moms prepared with knowledge of what to expect and how to act. A labor without pain medication or artificial augmentation may be better for the baby. Labors with fewer interventions decrease the risk of a cesarean delivery, which raises the risk of neonatal death. Epidurals may reach baby and pose negative health effects.
Though slightly different, most birthing classes emphasize the same birthing techniques: movement during labor, pushing while squatting or leaning (not lying on your back), making use of a support person, being completely relaxed and creating a birth plan outlining your desires for birth.
Your birthing experience is directly impacted by your choice of health care provider. Obstetricians (OBs), certified nurse midwives (CNMs) and homebirth lay midwives often have differing views on which birthing techniques to use. Some CNMs advocate water birth and using water to decrease labor pain, while many OBs work in hospitals without any water tubs and will recommend having an epidural. Make sure your health care practitioner is on board with your birth and labor plans.