Self Inducing Labor Techniques
There are some techniques a doctor may employ to bring about labor in a woman who remains pregnant past her due date. However, they are not without risk, and many women prefer to induce labor naturally and at home. In a normal, uncomplicated pregnancy, a woman can use self-inducing labor techniques to stimulate the body to begin the childbirth process naturally. However, these techniques should not be used by women who are not at or past their due dates and who are not sure their babies are fully developed.
Walking and nipple stimulation are commonly used types of self-inducing. When you walk, gravity naturally pulls the baby down and closer to your birth canal. This can help stimulate the process of effacement--thinning of the cervix--and dilation--opening of the cervix. Additionally, gentle stretching and low-impact exercises like swimming may help as well. Stimulating the nipples works to encourage the body to produce oxytocin, which is a hormone that causes the uterus to contract. When trying this at home, stimulate your nipples every 15 minutes for several hours. Also, according to the American Chronicle, acupressure is scientifically proven to help bring about labor. This technique involves using the thumbs and fingers to apply pressure to sensitive parts of the body, stimulating labor contractions.
Many people are under the impression that sexual intercourse is best avoided when a woman is pregnant. However, this is a misconception, as sex is typically safe in an uncomplicated, normal pregnancy. In fact, prostaglandins--hormone-like substances--in the semen may help to thin the cervix, and a woman's orgasm can cause the release of oxytocin, which induces uterine contractions.
Though there is no solid evidence that certain foods stimulate childbirth, some women believe there are foods that have this potential. Making the list of possible labor-inducing foods are pizza, Mexican foods, eggplant and tropical fruits. Additionally, herbs like blue or black cohosh, goldenseal, cramp bark, evening primrose oil and motherwort have been associated with labor. However, it is best to consult your doctor before consuming these herbs while you are pregnant to rule out any potential for dangerous consequences.
Castor oil is a commonly suggested method of self-induction. Women may mix a few ounces of it with a cup of orange juice, masking the taste. According to WebMD, however, there's no evidence that castor oil induces labor, but it may cause nausea and stomach cramping. For this reason, it may be best to avoid it.