Does Ortho Evra Cause Weight Gain?
Introduced in 2002, Ortho Evra was developed as a method of birth control for those women who did not feel birth control pills were a good choice for them. Pharmaceutical companies wanted to create a birth control format that was just as effective as the pill, but was used in a different format. The method they decided upon was the contraceptive patch known as Ortho Evra.
Although Ortho Evra uses the same types of hormones as the birth control pill, they are found in the form of a patch that is applied directly to the skin. Unlike the pill, the patch does not need to be changed daily, but instead, on a weekly basis. Worn on the abdomen, upper arm, upper torso or abdomen, Ortho Evra releases synthetic estrogen and progestin hormones that prevent ovulation and therefore make it more difficult for conception to occur.
While Ortho Evra provides the same rate of effectiveness as the pill, because the hormones are delivered through the skin and then directly into the blood flow, the body processes them differently. Typically, a woman using Ortho Evra is exposed to approximately 60 percent more estrogen than a woman using the pill.
As a result of increased estrogen exposure, women who use Ortho Evra are more likely to gain weight than those using the pill. According to a survey done by the manufacturer of Ortho Evra, women using Ortho Evra often see a 10 to 30 pound increase in body weight while using the patch. Women who weigh more than 198 pounds are advised against using Ortho Evra due to the risk of weight gain.
In addition to weight gain, the increased estrogen levels found in Ortho Evra can also increase the likelihood of symptoms such as headaches, nausea, bloating, skin irritation and breast tenderness. As a result, Ortho Evra is typically only recommended to women who absolutely cannot remember to take a daily pill, weigh less than 198 pounds and do not mind gaining 10 to 30 pounds.