What is the Best Way to Remove Unwanted Hair?
Electrolysis is perhaps the best way to remove unwanted body hair, because it is the only way that is permanent. This process is pricey however, and can require many appointments with a practitioner. With electrolysis, a slender metal probe is inserted into hair follicles. Then, the probe sends electricity to the follicle, which damages the areas that grow hairs. This damage causes hairs to cease growing in that area.
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If electrolysis is too expensive or time consuming for you, perhaps you should consider hair removal with wax. Waxing can be painful, and you have to grow your hair out (to at least six millimeters) for a few weeks before you can get the procedure done, because the hair has to be long enough for the wax to grab onto. With this process, warm wax is spread evenly over the area where hair removal is desired, in the same direction as the hair grows. Then, using waxing strips, the wax is rapidly pulled off in the opposite direction of hair growth, which yanks the hairs out.
A lot of people don't have the time to wait a couple of weeks for the hair to grow out long enough to be waxed. That's why shaving is a quick, inexpensive and usually painless process (unless you cut yourself by accident, of course). Shaving isn't as long lasting as waxing though because it merely cuts the hair from the surface of the skin instead of pulling it out from the root. Before shaving, make sure to apply shaving cream or some other type of moisturizer (this helps the razor move over the skin smoothly).
Even though this is not technically hair removal, a lot of people bleach unwanted body hair (especially on the arms) to make it less obvious and noticeable. Bleaching is also commonly done on facial hair as well as neck hair. There are many bleaches sold at drugstores (such as Sally Hansen bleach cream) which are made for this particular purpose.
If you are considering getting electrolysis for permanent hair removal, it's a good idea to research the costs beforehand. The procedure can be very long and require many separate appointments. Single sessions of electrolysis can often be up to $70, and keep in mind you will have to have many!