About Bleeding During Early Pregnancy
Some causes of bleeding during early pregnancy may include: implementation bleeding, an infection, bleeding from a tender cervix, miscarriage, or an ectopic pregnancy (tubal pregnancy).
Implementation bleeding is normal and occurs within the first few weeks of pregnancy. It occurs as light spotting, and in some women it is strong enough to appear to be a light period.
If you are in the first few weeks of pregnancy and experience some spotting, it should not be cause for alarm, especially if there is no pain, but you should visit your doctor to make sure everything is fine.An infection of the urinary tract or pelvic area can also cause bleeding, but this bleeding is usually accompanied with some kind of pain. If you suspect that you have an infection, see your doctor to ensure the health of yourself and the fetus.
Your cervix is tender during this time and may bleed during intercourse. This may not be indicative of anything serious, but it is still wise to seek the advice of your doctor if you experience bleeding after intercourse, especially when pregnant.
Bleeding during the first trimester can indicate a miscarriage, or possible miscarriage. Symptoms that accompany a miscarriage include strong abdominal pain or cramping and tissue passing through the vagina.
If you experience bleeding or spotting with severe cramping, you might be experiencing a miscarriage and should seek medical attention.Sometimes these symptoms are an indication of an ectopic, or tubal pregnancy which happens when the embryo implants somewhere other than the uterus, usually in the fallopian tubes.
If you are in your first trimester and experiencing bleeding, it is important to wear a pant-liner to monitor the amount of bleeding and to refrain from engaging in sexual intercourse, inserting tampons, or douching. Make an appointment to see your doctor, and seek immediate medical attention if your first trimester bleeding is accompanied by pain or discomfort. Also, if you experience any kind of bleeding during your second or third trimester, seek medical attention immediately.
Many women experience some degree of spotting or bleeding during the first trimester and go on to experience successful pregnancies, while others experience a miscarriage with these symptoms.
There is usually very little a woman can do to prevent a miscarriage and it is important to remember that a miscarriage usually caused by genetic defects in the embryo. Regardless of the cause, women should always see their doctor if they are experiencing any spotting or bleeding and to seek emergency help if the bleeding is severe or is accompanied with pain.
Some women don't think they're pregnant because they experience some light spotting in early pregnancy, mistaking it for a very light period.
Miscarriages are not usually caused by anything the mother has eaten or done, it is usually a natural termination due to a genetic defect.
Light spotting is often not a sign of a serious problem during early pregnancy. However, heavy bleeding during pregnancy should be cause for alarm.
Beside just telling your doctor that you're bleeding, doctors and medical staff need detailed information about the type and amount of your bleeding and any other symptoms you're experiencing in order to make an accurate assessment about the condition of you and your baby.
Although bleeding in early pregnancy may not be a sign of a problem, make an appointment to see your doctor if this occurs, especially if accompanied by pain or cramps.
If you do experience a miscarriage, you have two choices: to let the miscarriage continue naturally, or to have the doctor perform a minor surgical procedure to speed the process.
If you have an ectopic pregnancy, you will need immediate medical attention for your own safety. Medication is sometimes all that is needed for an ectopic pregnancy, but sometimes a surgical procedure is needed.
If your period is especially light one month and you engage in sexual activity, you may be pregnant. While a light pregnancy does not necessarily mean pregnancy, it's still in your best interest to take a pregnancy test and/or see a doctor to determine your pregnancy status.