About Menopause
Menopause marks a very important time in a woman's life. Although men are usually able to father children their entire lives, menopause ends a woman's ability to reproduce. This signifies the aging process in a woman's life. Becoming infertile as a result of menopause can have mental, physical and emotional effects on a woman as her body continues to change due to hormonal fluctuations.
Time Frame
Women usually begin going through menopause in their mid- to late 40s or during their early 50s, with the average age about 51. Some women begin menopause before this time and may be as young as their 30s, or in extremely rare cases, their 20s. Women who experience premature menopause do so as a result of premature ovarian failure that may be caused by conditions such as eating disorders, diabetes, radiation or chemotherapy, thyroid disease or other illnesses. Many cases of premature menopause are a result of unknown causes. There are also cases of late menopause that occur after the age of 55.
Although each woman's experience with menopause is different, some common symptoms and experiences include irregular menstrual periods, hot flashes, night sweats, urinary symptoms, sleep disturbances, headaches, vaginal dryness, and decreased sex drive. Other effects women may notice after menopause include a decrease in collagen and skin elasticity, changes in hair growth, and increased risk for serious health issues such as osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes.
People should keep in mind that menopause will have many effects on women. Some women experience depression, mood swings, anxiety or erratic behavior as they go through menopause. It is important to know that these symptoms can be attributed to the change in hormonal rhythms that are a result of menopause. Estrogen production is decreased during menopause since the ovaries stop making it. Women have to adjust to their fluctuation in hormones, and some of the effects can be hard to deal with. If you experience changes in your behavior or mental state, speak to your doctor about treatments to help you to deal with these changes.
Although complete menopause results in a woman no longer being able to get pregnant, a woman can still get pregnant when she is in the process of going through menopause. If she is still having menstrual periods, even if they are irregular, that means she is still ovulating and is still capable of becoming pregnant. It is important to practice safe sex and use birth control during menopause if you do not want to become pregnant.