How to get rid of a Yeast Infection With Garlic
Things You'll Need
- Garlic cloves Dental floss (unwaxed) Gauze Cheesecloth
Be sure you actually have a yeast infection. Symptoms include burning, severe itching, irritation and soreness in the vagina and or in addition to the vulva. There may also be a whitish or whitish grey discharge from the vagina. If these symptoms occur, continue to Step 2.
Add garlic to your daily diet. It is a naturally anti-fungal food and will help with infections.
Take a whole clove of garlic and peel off all of the papery skin. Do not nick the garlic clove as you are peeling it, as the juice from the clove may sting while using it.
Wrap the garlic in either cheesecloth or gauze. Tie the ends of the wrapping material with unwaxed dental floss. Leave some extra string to help with removing the garlic clove at a later time.
Insert the clove of garlic that you've wrapped into the vagina. Place it far enough in so that it stays in on its own. Ensure that there is enough dental floss hanging out of your vagina to pull the clove out. If there isn't enough floss, untie the floss and pull off a longer string.
Leave the clove in the vagina for several hours. Positioning the clove in your vagina just before you go to bed is helpful, because you can sleep through it and remove the clove when you wake up.
Continue sticking a new clove into the vagina every night and leaving it in until morning. If you have a severe infection, place a new clove into the vagina every morning and night. The clove is safe to keep in the vagina throughout the day. You should continue this regimen until the symptoms of the infection cease completely.
Check with your doctor if the infection isn't gone after several days and nights of treatment. Some infections are more stubborn than others and may require other treatments.
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