Definition of Prenatal Massage
Prenatal massage helps a pregnant women to relax tense muscles and reduce stress and anxiety associated with labor. It also works to relieve pain.
The expanding womb puts a lot stress on the shoulders, abdominal area and back muscles of the mother, and lower back pain is very common during pregnancy. A prenatal massage therapist can apply pressure to specific sore spots to relieve tension and pain. However, certain pressure points should be avoided, such as the wrists and ankles, because they might stimulate pelvic and uterus muscles and lead to premature labor.
The safest position for prenatal massage is lying on one's side while hugging a pillow. There is also a massage table specifically designed for pregnant women, with areas cut out for breasts and the abdomen.
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Reduced blood circulation and increased blood pressure during pregnancy might cause swelling of joints. Prenatal massage helps to improve circulation and addresses nerves inflamed by the pressure of the uterus. The massage helps to relieve sciatic nerve pain experienced by pregnant women. Research also shows that prenatal massage lowers stress hormones, which are major causes of pregnancy complications.
Prenatal massage is not recommended during the first trimester because it might increase the risk of miscarriage. Instead, begin massage in the second trimester.
Consult your doctor about the risk of massage therapy if you have certain conditions. For instance, massage is not recommended for people at risk of pre-term labor or those with clotting disorders.
One prenatal massage session typically lasts 30 minutes to an hour and ranges from $50 to $150. If you cannot afford prenatal massage, ask your partner to give you a massage. Hospitals in your area may offer free classes that teach safe prenatal massage techniques.