Treat PMS Or PMDD With Natural Progesterone
Consider taking treatments. If you have PMS or PMDD symptoms that begin more than a week before you period and then stop once your period arrives, you may be lacking necessary hormones. You may also need treatment if your periods are irregular and you do not wish to take birth control pills (if you want to get pregnant). Natural progesterone can also help with prevention of certain cancers, arthritis, ovarian cysts, varicose veins and even menopausal symptoms.
See your OB/GYN or doctor first before using anything. You need to have a proper diagnosis for the treatment to help. If your doctor talks about giving you a prescription for Provera, Duphaston or Primulut, let her know that you are more interested in a natural progesterone treatment.
Choose your preferred treatment form. Natural progesterone is commonly the use of a cream. You can also get natural progesterone in an oral form, but it is much more expensive.
Rub on the progesterone cream. Progesterone cream is easy to use. You rub it onto the body in various areas (face, chest, inner thighs and arms). Your body will simply absorb the cream. Because the diagnosis will vary, some women may need to use the cream more than others to get rid of their symptoms. The added hormone naturally goes where it is needed.
Keep track of your doses within the first three months of use. Start with a small amount of about two of three ounces of cream a month. Discontinue use for approximately five days each month. If you need more or less, adjust your usage.
Watch out for side effects of natural and synthetic progesterone. The side effects of natural progesterone are few compared to synthetic. Unpleasant PMS symptoms can occur and changing levels of use can greatly change the affects on your body. Synthetic progesterone can cause headaches, liver problems, depression, acne, insomnia and weight changes, to name a few.