How to Straighten Hair Without Relaxer
Things You'll Need
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Towel
- Blow dryer
- Round hairbrush
- Flat iron
- Styling products
- Flexible hold hairspray
Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo, rinse well and apply a conditioner. Rinse out the conditioner thoroughly and towel dry your hair to remove excess water.
Add a few drops of styling gel, cream or pomade to your hair to protect against heat styling. There are hair styling products on the market that will add shine to your hair and reduce the damage that can be caused by blow dryers and flattening irons, so it is a good idea to purchase one of these to protect your hair.
Blow dry your hair using a round hairbrush. Grab small sections of hair with the brush as you go along to smooth your hair as it dries. Continue the process until your hair is dried thoroughly and free of any curly strays.
Apply a glosser to your hair by adding a few drops in your hand, rubbing your hands together and running them over your dried hair. The glosser will add shine and sleekness, and prepare it for the next step.
Allow the flat iron to heat up and then begin flattening small sections of your hair. The flat iron will continue to smooth your hair where the blow drying left off. Continue to use the flat iron until your entire head of hair is as smooth and straight as desired.
Follow up with a spritz of flexible hold hair spray to maintain your look. Only a small amount of spray is suggested. Over-spraying will cause your hair to loose its sleek, flowy appearance.