How to Identify Labor Symptoms
You will experience several pre-labor symptoms 4 to 6 weeks before the due date. Your cervix may start to dilate 2 to 4 weeks before the due date. Your baby descends into your pelvis and increases pressure in your pelvis. You may observe changes in bowel movements, backache and cramps. You may also experience a desire to cook to clean and to organize your home. This is fairly normal and often referred to as "nesting."
Learn to distinguish real labor contractions from false labor contractions. False labor contractions do not increase in frequency or intensity. When you start walking or changing position, these contractions will gradually disappear. Your body uses false labor contractions to prepare itself for the real labor.
Real labor contractions are not relieved by changing position or walking. The contractions are regular and increase in both frequency and duration.
Understand that the first stage of labor consists of three parts: early, active and transitional. During the early part of stage I, your cervix dilates to 3 cm. The contractions last 40 seconds and occur every 15 min. Your water might break during this stage.
During the active part of stage I, your cervix reaches 7 cm. The contractions will occur every three minutes during this part. You should be in the hospital already. Active labor lasts up to 3 hours with the contractions keep coming stronger and longer. You may experience backache, pain and abdominal pressure.
In the transitional part of labor, the cervix dilates to 10 cm. The contractions will occur every 3 minutes and lasts about 60 seconds. The pain is more intensive. It is important that you are in the delivery room already.