Tips on Removing Facial Hair
Things You'll Need
- Tweezers
- Waxing strips
- Microwaveable face wax
- Cold wax
- Towels
- Depilatories for face
- Moisturizer
- Bleaching cream
Apply bleaching cream. To lighten the hair above the lip and on your chin, bleaching creams are a timeless and inexpensive hair removal option. The bleaching cream simply lightens the hair so that it appears less noticeable to blend with your skin tone. To prevent an allergic reaction to the product, always do a preliminary patch test 24 hours before your first application of the cream. Bleaching removes pigment from the hair and can also cause skin irritations and skin discolorations.
Try electrolysis for permanent hair removal. Painful and expensive, electrolysis uses a needle and low-level electricity to zap the hair follicle and stop hair growth. Considered a permanent option, electrolysis requires several visits to receive long lasting results. Electrolysis is often used on the face, skin, chin and cheeks. Scarring, ingrown hairs, swelling, blisters and scabs are common side effects of skin treated with electrolysis.
Use laser treatments. Laser hair removal is an expensive but effective option for women with course hair or fair skin. Laser facial treatments use a long pulse laser to destroy a portion of the hair follicle. The cost of laser hair removal treatments are often priced between $150-$350 dollars per region, and must be administered by a licensed and experienced medical doctor.
Wax your facial hair. Facial waxing can be administered at home or at your local salon to remove large patches of unwanted hair. First the wax is spread on the area in the direction of the hair growth. Thin cloths are then applied over the wax to rip the hair off the area quickly. Waxing treatments last from 2-4 weeks and are often used to remove hair on the upper lip, chin, cheek and eyebrows. When waxing your face at home, it's best to use microwavable wax strips, honey or cold wax to ensure that you don’t burn your skin. Keep the recently waxed area away from sunlight for at least 12 hours after waxing.
Tweeze your chin or brows. For fast and cheap facial hair removal, nothing beats a pair of tweezers. Tweezing is also a favorite choice for women who want to pluck their eyebrows and chin hair. Time consuming yet amazingly effective, it is the most popular at-home hair removal treatment for women. As a result of over-plucking and frequent tweezing, the hair follicle can become irritated. Scarring can result in women with dark skin.
Apply depilatories to unwanted facial hair. Applied in the similar manner to bleaching creams, depilatories dissolve hair proteins to cut hair at the skin. Fast and affordable, the creams are applied to the hair for a few short minutes. The results last for 1-2 weeks. Apply a patch test to skin to prevent an allergic reaction to the cream solution.